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Libraries: Games and Graphics
QuickBasic and QBasic Programming Libraries - Games and Graphics Libraries for QBasic 4.5, QBasic 7.1 and VB DOS.

QuickBasic and QBasic Programming Libraries - Games and Graphics Libraries for QBasic 4.5, QBasic 7.1 and VB DOS.
DirectQB is a game programming library entirely written in assembly 386 for QuickBasic 4.5. It has been mainly coded to fill the void into the weak graphics, input and sound capabilities of QBasic; it works in screen mode 13h (320x200 with 256 colors - the common SCREEN 13 for QBasic), supports keyboard, mouse and joysticks as input devices, and has a built-in sound engine that works with almost any SB compatible sound card.
Extensive SVGA library for QuickBASIC 4.5, including many features such as:
* Various screen modes up to 2048x1536 with 8/15/16/32 bit colors
* Paging - for flicker free animation
* Loading images: BMP/PCX/GIF - even animated GIF files
* Loading/playing WAVE sound files
* Timer: works faster than the normal QB-timer
* Mouse support in SVGA and regular QB screens
* Extended memory: EMS and XMS support
* Keyboard and Joystick functions
... and much more
Future.Library 3 for QuickBasic 7.1 aka QBX - see description above.
RelLib is a VERY FAST Screen 13 Game Programming Library made mostly in assembly and was made with only one thing in mind: SPEED ...
SVGAQB is a Super VGA graphics library designed for use with MS QuickBasic 4.5. It is written in 100% assembly language for the best possible speed. It provides the MS QuickBASIC programmer with an easy interface to the high resolution/high color video modes of the newer SVGA video cards. This graphics library will automatically identify the video card and its installed memory. This way, the programmer may write graphics programs that will work on most any SVGA card without writing specific versions for each individual SVGA card. Over 100 subroutines and functions are provided.
Graphics library for QuickBasic 7.1 aka QBX & VBDOS - see description above.
UGL is a library programmed in pure x86 assembly for game development in Microsoft QuickBasic 4.x and better (including Visual Basic for DOS 1.x). Here is a list of some of the features UGL offers:
* Performance
* Protection against crashes through incorrect coding
* A complete set of 2D sprite routines
* A rich set of polygon routines
* A simple but powerful interface
* Infinite number of timers running in parallel
* A sound mixer that can play multiple samples
(16bit 44.1 kHz stereo) in parallel
* Debugging features that will report mistakes in your
code to help you remove bugs at the same time they occur.